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Land allotment form  Go Back
Note: * indicates mandatory fields.  View Terms and Conditions


Components Rs. in Crore
Sr. No. Source Name Rs. in Crore
Sr. No. Usage Area in Sq. Mtr.
Skilled Employees Male Women

Year Type No. (In Metric ton) Rs. in Crores
Year Country A Country B Country C


I / we hereby undertake that by submitting the application to Dahej SEZ Limited(DSL)., it does not create any right, obligation, priority and claims for allotment of the plot. I / we also understand that allotment of the land shall be at Dahej SEZ Limited’s sole discretion.\ I / we shall not create any dispute for any claim / objection / correction and decision of Dahej SEZ Limited on allotment of the land shall be binding to me / us. Above mention, facts are synopses of respective policies only. Any allottee / applicant shall have to abide the policy / Procedure, Terms and Conditions of Dahej SEZ Limited(DSL)., which may be amended /decided from time to time.