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  Board Of Directors  Go Back

Board of Directors


  1. Smt. Mamta Verma, IAS Chairperson, DSL and Principal Secretary, Industries and Mines Department (IMD)
  2. Ms. Praveena D.K., IASVice Chairman & Managing Director, Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC)
  3. Shri S. K. Dwivedi Executive Director and Chief JV&BD, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)
  4. Shri Gurinder Singh Managing Director, ONGC Petro additions Limited (OPaL)
  5. Shri R. D. Bhagora Chief Engineer, Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC)

  1. Shri J. B. Patel Chief Executive Officer
  2. Shri D. Shashank Company Secretary

  1. Shri Ashish C. Doshi Consulting Company Secretary

  1. M/s. Ashok Chhajed & Associates  Internal Auditors


  1. M/s. Mukesh M. Shah & Co.  Statutory Auditors